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The Challenge

Create a user friendly interface for golfers to find golf courses and specials based on their location or as a general search.  It had to be slick, provide targeted marketing that is not intrusive and be incredibly easy to use.

An admin website needed to be included to allow an administrator the ability to view all registered courses and track their stats such as views, specials clicked on, banners viewed etc.  This interface also allowed the admin user to add golf courses and their details as well as banner adverts, set their schedule and rotation in the app.

Golf course owners had their own admin interface allowing to edit details about their courses, add specials and update photos.

The Solution


A easy to follow mobile app allows users to quickly search for golf courses, view their details and addresses as well as contact information.  Users can view specials currently running for each course and receive handy marketing that directs them to couches or golfing apparel they might not have known about.

User Friendly






Easy to Use



Successful Outcome

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